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Watercolor Supplies for all classes                                            tmarilynn@hotmail.com


                Cadmium Red

                PERMANENT Alizarin Crimson or Permanent Red (Quinacridone)

                Ultramarine Blue or French Ultramarine

                Thalo Blue

                Aureolin or Lemon Yellow

                Cadmium yellow (deep or medium)

                Burnt Sienna 

                Tubes are best. Artist or student-grade paints from a good brand name: Winsor-Newton, Sennelier,                                 Lukas, Maimarieblu, Holbein, Grumbacher, Daniel Smith, Cheap Joe’s, etc.



                3/4”-1 ½” good quality flat paint brush (hardware store)

                #3 watercolor Round-- artist quality Kolinsky Sable or Taklon (or other brand) synthetic or

                                Synthetic/hair blend

                #10   “                        “


                12” x 16” watercolor block or pad

                                140 # white cold press

                  Canson, Arches, Lana, Cotman

Other Stuff:    

              Two cans for Water—coffee cans, jars, etc

                Palette for holding paint and mixing it—Plastic palette sold in art supply store with small                    separations for colors

Kleenex or TP


Eraser (Kneaded Eraser is best)



Paper Towels

Old toothbrush

Pocketknife or Exacto knife

Drawing board for support (GatorBoard, Masonite, sealed plywood larger than your paper)

Masking Tape, Painters blue tape is best

Masking Liquid (Liquid Frisket, Art masking fluid)


Supplies can be found at Michael’s, JoAnn’s Crafts. DuAll Drafting Supply, Rainy Day Company, Utrecht’s.

 Buying from art supply catalogs is less expensive:

 Daniel Smith 1-800-426-6740  www.danielsmith.com

Utrecht 1-800-223-9132 www.utrecht.com               

 Cheap Joe's 1-800-227-2788 www.cheapjoes.com

ASW 1-800-995-6778  www.aswexpress.com

Jerry’s Artarama  1-800-827-8478  www.jerrysartarama.com


For art supply questions email me at tmarilynn@hotmail.com